Saturday, March 22, 2008

Trip of a lifetime!

WOW, I had no idea that this type of concept existed but I REALLY like it and could see myself using this useful tool in the future. I have worked a lot of office jobs in the past and I can relate to how overwhelming email can be especially when you're having to modify documents all the time. I worked in an administrative assistant's role typing up letters, presentations, meeting minutes, etc and when I sent them for my boss to review he'd always email me back with changes and revisions and I'd have to save his document to my computer, make the changes then attach the email again. As the Common Craft video said you'd have numerous versions you'd have to keep straight. I wish I would have had something like GoogleDocs when I was working my office jobs because it would have been so useful and such a time saver!

I also love how GoogleDocs is set up exactly like an office suite so if you're familiar with Microsoft this will be easy to figure out and navigate your way around. I was able to catch onto the features quite quickly since I'm used to Microsoft Office. It's been a couple of years since I've been in an office setting working behind a desk, but I am curious to see if this new technology is catching on in various workplaces.

I loved how "back in the day" email was dubbed as the changing landscape of the business world and how it was going to revolutionize communication because of the instantaneous of it all but I think GoogleDocs is going to be crowned the new champion! This is brilliant! Email today is such an essential part of everyday life to the point we've taken it for granted. Email is something everyone just "does" but I definitely think that GoogleDocs is going to catch on really quickly. How do we keep up with it all???

What a great and educational unit! I caught onto it really quick and feel like I've had a "light bulb moment"... I'm so glad I learned that this existed because I know I'll be using it.

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